Hello Dear Ones,
The energy of fall, with its themes of reflection and release, offers an ideal time to bring balance and fairness into your relationships, especially when dealing with the fallout from past misunderstandings or conflicts. As nature prepares to shed its leaves, you too can let go of lingering grievances and emotional baggage. It’s essential to approach strained relationships with a mindset of fairness—seeking to understand the other person’s perspective as well as your own. Fall’s energy encourages introspection, so use this season to honestly assess your role in any conflict, acknowledging both your feelings and any potential areas where you might have been unfair or reactive. By grounding yourself in empathy and accountability, you can engage with others in a more balanced, respectful way.
Have a blessed week,

Your Astrological Forecast for September 22-28
September 22 — Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox/Mabon
Get your sweater and pumpkin spice out because it’s the first day of autumn! The sun is also in its sign of fall as it shines its light on relationships. Be fair and generous to others without people pleasing.
September 22 — Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
This dramatic aspect brings secrets to the surface as we deal with the fallout of betrayal and jealousy. Allow yourself to be honest to rebuild trust in your closest bonds.
September 22 — Venus enters Scorpio
As we get to the darker half of the year, we are attracted to the mysteries of life and love as Venus enters the sign of the Scorpion. The next four weeks are not for the faint of heart, when relationships become intense, passionate, and even a little obsessive.
September 24 — Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
This fun combination gives us a boost of energy and determination to achieve our goals before the year ends. Stay the course—it’s a marathon, not a sprint!
September 25 — Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces
Get ready for breakthroughs as creativity and practicality are in perfect balance today. A good day to make plans and take action to make dreams happen.
September 25 — Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
A great time for job interviews, brand structure, and building a reputation for yourself by harnessing your clever mind. Pitching bold and cutting-edges ideas with cool confidence can help you get noticed.
September 26 — Mercury enters Libra
Thoughts become diplomatic as we get a boost of charm in all our social interactions. However, don’t delay important decisions to make everyone happy—you’ll only hurt yourself.