Hello Dear Ones,
As we step into the week of Thanksgiving and embrace the full swing of the holiday season, let the energy of diplomacy guide your interactions. Remember, diplomacy is about finding common ground while honoring your self-worth. It’s a dance of understanding and respect.
Be a diplomat, fostering connections that enrich your relationships and nurture understanding. Let the feast of harmony begin by acknowledging diverse perspectives.
However, a gentle reminder: being a diplomat doesn’t mean being a doormat. Maintain your self-respect, for you are deserving of it. Recognize the difference between diplomacy, which builds bridges, and being a doormat, which surrenders self-worth for the illusion of peace.
As the holiday season unfolds and beyond, strive for a balance. Embrace understanding without compromising your inherent value. May your journey be filled with harmonious connections, genuine gratitude, and a celebration of the unique threads that weave the fabric of your relationships.
Have a blessed week,

Your Week Ahead Forecast November 20-26

Energy of the Week: King of Cups
A person who commands respect, but not love. A man of business or law, considerate and responsible. He is kind but ambitious and a skilled negotiator. He is a born manipulator, someone who has arrived in a position of power by the use of brain as opposed to brawn. He avoids taking people into his confidence and often works in secret or behind the scenes. He is a seeker of power, with hidden motives, often distrusted or feared by those around him.
Focus of the Week: The World
Accomplishment. Fulfillment. Completion of a personal cycle, project, series of events or chapter in life. Success. A culmination of events. A sense of repleteness.
Lesson of the Week: Nine of Wands
Order, discipline an unassailable position. Any opposition will be defeated. Courage in the face of attack or adversity and a stability that cannot be removed. Good health.
Aeson Says:
At the start of the week, it would be beneficial for you to approach situations with diplomacy and tact. Focus on effective communication and finding common ground in any interactions.
By mid-week, there may be some tasks or aspects of your life that need closure or completion. It’s a signal to tie up loose ends and prepare for a fresh start or new opportunities.
This weekend, consider letting go of habits, relationships, or situations that are no longer beneficial or supportive of your well-being. This could be a time for self-reflection and releasing what is holding you back.
This Week’s Schedule:
Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time.
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Do you have a burning question that you just can’t seem to find the answer to?
A Burning Question 3-Card Reading can provide valuable insight and clarity to help guide you towards the right direction. Let me tap into my psychic abilities and connect with the universe to provide you with the answer you’ve been searching for. Don’t wait any longer, get the guidance you need today and start making positive changes in your life.
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Burning Question 3-Card Reading